#20 on the Doom Charts - September 2018

SpaceMetal landed at #20 on the Doom Charts for September 2018. Thanks to Jason Roach of Indy Metal Vault for the great review!

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“Space themed bands are extremely common at the moment, but these Louisiana Rockers know how to land their brand of Rock and Roll into your listening ports. Shroud is an impressive(as well as their debut self-titled album) and stunning display of catchy tunes. My first impression was that any of these songs could have been classic rock hits from the 70’s or 80’s. I think a lot of that has to do with the apparent love for Ozzy/Black Sabbath because you can definitely hear the influence in the vocals and songwriting. Anyone who says Rock is dead has not heard Spacemetal, and I think ya’ll need to pay attention to these guys because I predict they have broken through the barrier and are on their way to a knowable name in this generation of underground music.”

~Jason Roach (Indy Metal Vault)

Outlaws of the Sun review Shroud

Steve Howe of Outlaws of the Sun (and formerly Sludgelord) gave Shroud a great review. Thanks Steve!

SpaceMetal return with their new album Shroud and as the album cover and title suggests this is a heavier affair than their debut album. It seems the band have taken influence from bands such as Black Sabbath and Alice In Chains especially in the lyrics department. The album is quite dark and complex with the band offering a different vision compared to their debut album.

Opening song - Shroud - is a gloomy Doom/Stoner Metal song that captures the bleak mood within the SpaceMetal camp. Heavy guitars have a slight classic heavy metal feel when merged with the modern sounding Stoner Metal riffs. The vocals whilst constantly engaging take some time to fully gel with the music. The song-writing is direct with the music being the main strength of the entire album. The opening song is a good indication on what to expect on the rest of the album as SpaceMetal never lose sight of their bleak surroundings.

Maybe SpaceMetal could have changed the overall sound of certain parts of the album. As it can sound too similar at times. That's my only complaint about the album with Shroud is that it doesn't take enough risks. However SpaceMetal have still crafted a huge sounding album that moves from classic Doom Metal to modern sounding Stoner Metal with relevant ease. Other standout songs include - Birthright Baby, Forest Of Faith, Unifer and New Blood. These songs are where SpaceMetal feel the most comfortable on the album and perhaps the heaviest moments on the album.

If you're looking for a classic sounding Doom Metal album that has gloomy thrills and spills galore then you can't go wrong with SpaceMetal and this hugely entertaining album. If you're a fan of the bands previous album then you will be pleased to hear the band have still managed to include a high amount of psychedelic rock/metal guitar solos that leave you wanting more.

The album is superbly produced. Nothing feels overdone and the album flows naturally well. Shroud is another winning entry from SpaceMetal and should no doubt impress their established fan base whilst attracting new fans along the way as well. 

Excellent and Highly Recommended.

Words by Steve Howe

The Burning Beard reviews Shroud

Thanks to Gabriel of The Burning Beard for the review of Shroud!

Making their debut in 2015 with a self-titled album, SpaceMetal have now returned with their sophomore LP, and the near-hour of material it packs shows the band angling for a blend of flavors both old and new, coming through in a batch of doom-brushed heavy metal. Big work-horse riffs are plentiful, the vocals take time to savor the words being sung, and the breaks and switch-backs are rolled in and out with cool smoothness. The guitar solos are probably where the group's Louisianan standing comes through the clearest, with a soulful strain that could easily be chalked in as delta blues blended with Dio-era Sabbath (“Forest of Faith” and “The Wheel” being a back-to-back pair that really bring out that flavor).

Lyrically, things are kind of all over the place, but in a pleasing way, with nature, revenge, replacement, lady-craving, existential spookiness, future landscapes, and van-art wizards are all in play, and the singing is balanced out by tasty extended dips into instrumental rocking. The music rarely gets full-on heavy, but when it's leveraged (e.g., the crunchy weight of the main riff in “New Blood”), it comes off very well, and as something done to benefit the song, instead of just being there for the sake of heavy. In the end, Shroud has a lot going on, and the musicians behind it deserve recognition for putting together such a well-rounded album, and for successfully channeling the sounds of yesteryear while dodging flat imitation or too-accurate flab. Grab yourself a copy once it drops on September 15th, should full-bodied heavy metal be to your tastes, and hear for yourself the SpaceMetal style.

~ Gabriel

SpaceMetal in studio with Crowbar producer for new album.

SpaceMetal is currently in the studio with producer Duane Simoneaux at OCD Studios in Metairie, Louisiana working on “Shroud”, the follow-up to their self-titled debut album (which Simoneaux mixed and mastered).

“Duane did an amazing job with the mixing of our first record. This time out, we wanted the opportunity to work with Duane throughout the entire process of Shroud. Our first album was recorded out of town over a 3 day weekend. We were able to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. In working with Duane at OCD Studios locally, it offered us the flexibility to both record as a band over a weekend, while each member could come in and work on their parts at separate times. It’s been great to have the ability to step away, listen with fresh ears, and then move on to the next parts” said bassist Rob Norton.

Guitarist John Maracich III adds “Duane calls his place OCD Studio. Perfect name. He is a meticulous craftsman. The sounds and tones he's been able to capture are as heavy as it gets".

Simoneaux’s credits include Crowbar’s “The Serpent Only Lies” and “Symmetry in Black”.

OCD Recording and Production

Metal Nexus Review

Review from Metal Nexus on July 17, 2015.

The band SpaceMetal have released their debut album and it is pretty far out. After getting an earful of what they have to offer you may think they are from a planet far far away. However, they are indeed from planet earth and yet another product to come from the great state of Louisiana. The self titled debut has some space themed lyrics but the song that first garnered my attention was “Witness to the Witch”. The song with very meaningful earthbound lyrics can connect with most anyone. It’s one of those songs that make you want to take a long drive. They really champion the retro rock sound, with a dash of doom mixed in as well. The riffs come tearing at you in warp speed. It sounds like the band was locked into a time capsule in 1973 and is just now being opened. The retro sound has been making a huge comeback with lots of bands, but the sound Spacemetal achieve is really what everyone is after. The album was recorded in a 1970s analog recording studio, so that can be attributed to the sound somewhat. Singer Travis Acosta has this attention grabbing voice, it keeps lingering in your ear and the melodies are suddenly rolling off your tongue and before you realize it you are singing along. The guitar players John Maracichin and Chris Trentecosta are bound to have bloody fingers by the way the riffs ring out through this album. “The Millipede” starts out with this dominating doom stomp type sound and then the guitars chime in and take over. It has all the ingredients for a classic rock song. Of course the guitars and vocals are up front but the songs would sound completely incomplete without the backbeat of the bass and drums. In songs like “Terra Cat” the drummer Chris Kain is the most integral part of what makes the song have this pace setting groove. The bass lines aren’t without notice either, those thick low tones laid down by Rob Norton help the guitar work stand out even more.

Spacemetal is a band that could and should become a household name. The debut album is independently released and I’m sure they will soon be having labels beating down their doors. There is a demand for the great tunes they provide and hopefully we will be able to see them out on the road soon as they will be gathering fans all over this planet and others as well. The album was released April 2nd and while we wish we had heard it sooner we are now wishing they will go into hyper speed and have another album completed soon. You can pick up this album for $6 from the bandcamp page they have set up. The album is a through and through album that has a tremendous re-listen value, pick it up today.
