SpaceMetal in studio with Crowbar producer for new album.

SpaceMetal is currently in the studio with producer Duane Simoneaux at OCD Studios in Metairie, Louisiana working on “Shroud”, the follow-up to their self-titled debut album (which Simoneaux mixed and mastered).

“Duane did an amazing job with the mixing of our first record. This time out, we wanted the opportunity to work with Duane throughout the entire process of Shroud. Our first album was recorded out of town over a 3 day weekend. We were able to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. In working with Duane at OCD Studios locally, it offered us the flexibility to both record as a band over a weekend, while each member could come in and work on their parts at separate times. It’s been great to have the ability to step away, listen with fresh ears, and then move on to the next parts” said bassist Rob Norton.

Guitarist John Maracich III adds “Duane calls his place OCD Studio. Perfect name. He is a meticulous craftsman. The sounds and tones he's been able to capture are as heavy as it gets".

Simoneaux’s credits include Crowbar’s “The Serpent Only Lies” and “Symmetry in Black”.

OCD Recording and Production